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Committee Members (appointed by AYM as having specialised understanding of the Handbook):
Alan Clayton (VRM) to 2027, Judy Still (VRM) to 2026, Julie Walpole (TRM) to 2025 and Vidya (CRQ) to 2027.
Liaison Friends:
These Friends are appointed by their Regional Meetings to be a link between their meeting and this committee, and to assist with review of the proposed wording of updates to the Handbook. Their role is described in the file below.
Current HBR Liaison Friends are:
CRQ Michael Searle (to 2024); NSWRM Liz Field (to YM25); QRM Roger Sawkins; SANTRM Charles Stevenson; VRM Alan Clayton (to 2026), WARM Marie Martin. (We communicate with TRM through their Clerks.)