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Quaker Peace and Legislation Committee Archive Page
Archived documents
Inquiry into Freedom of Speech in Australia - Submission (January 2017)
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights' Inquiry into Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.
National Security Laws - Action Alert 16-4 (October 2016)
Three new pieces of legislation regarding national security have been introduced into Parliament, all of which QPLC have grave concerns about.
Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) - Watching Brief 16-8 (October 2016)
This Brief provides a summary of IPAN’s aims and activities. Quakers are affiliated with IPAN through QPLC.
Nuclear Weapons Ban - Watching Brief 16-7 (September 2016)
This Brief focusses on moves for a nuclear weapons ban, following stalemate in negotiations towards nuclear disarmament.
Gun Control in Australia - Action Alert 16-7 (July 2016)
Given recent publicity about gun violence in the USA, this briefing paper focusses on what has been happening in Australia.
Federal Election 2016 - Action Alert 16-2 (June 2016)
QPLC offers some questions that might be put to candidates in the current Federal Election campaign on issues relating to peace.
South China Sea - Watching Brief 16-4 (April 2016)
Briefing paper on the brewing conflict in the South China Sea by Quaker David Rosenberg (Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Middlebury College, Vermont).
Children in Refugee Detention - Action Alert 16-1 (April 2016)
This Alert refers to recent moves to have refugee children removed from detention centres, and to legislation amended by the Senate to support such moves.
Crime and Punishment - Watching Brief 16-2 (April 2016)
Trends in crime and the responses to it are the focus of this brief. It includes recent statistics and analysis, and comments on the various approaches to preventing crime and enhancing social cohesion.
Conscientious Objection - Watching Brief 16-1 (April 2016)
This paper is intended to sum up the history and current thinking among Quakers on the issue of conscientious objection.
Defence White Paper - Watching Brief 16-3 (March 2016)
This report summarises the latest Defence White Paper issued by the Australian Government. It includes analysis and comment, and Quaker perspectives.
Update on the Trans-Pacific Partnership - Action Alert 15-1A (October 2015)
The latest developments surrounding the TPP, and what actions can be taken to raise concerns.
Australian Border Force - Watching Brief 15-10 (September 2015)
This report outlines the creation and role of the Australian Border Force (ABF), its characteristics, and various assessments of its likely impact on Australian society and beyond.
Refugees and War in Syria/Iraq - Action Alert (September 2015)
This reports the Prime Minister's statement on accepting refugees from the war in Syria, and the decision to extend bombing. It includes responses from the Opposition and the Greens, and from the AYM Presiding Clerk to the PM.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Watching Brief 15-7 (August 2015)
The Sustainable Development Goals are the successors to the Millenium Development Goals. This is a resource for Quakers to learn more about them.
The United Nations at 70 - Watching Brief 15-8 (August 2015)
A summary of this year's UNAA Conference, with the theme 'Shaping the Future'.