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Climate Action Plan for Australia Yearly Meeting

Rainbow lorikeet with accompanying text: Carrying Out the Plan; Action Statements for The Action Plan - For Our Home

Quakers Australia Action Plan for Our Home

The QA Climate Emergency and Species Extinction Working Group brought to Yearly Meeting 2023 the first two parts of the AYM Climate Action Plan for Australian Friends, these were both adopted.  The final part of the Plan was adopted at Yearly Meeting 2024. The Working Group asks all Friends to deeply engage with this material and reflect, share and discern how we as a community of seekers can move this plan and this vital work forward.

QA Climate Action Plan - Carrying Out the Plan - shortened version from Streamlines:

Link to shortened version of Carrying Out the Plan

Friends can access the QA Climate Action Plan overview, Background Documents and Resources and the full QA Action Plan here.

AYM Climate Action Plan_2024.pdf

AYM Climate Action Plan - Background Documents.pdf

Carrying out the Plan - shortened version from Streamlines.pdf

Carrying out the Plan - full text version.pdf

Travel guidelines for Quakers Australia have been accepted by Yearly Meeting 2024.