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Tasmanian Friends Earth Care Working Group

Welcome to the Tasmanian Friends Earth Care Working Group
We work to discern, bear witness and act on our convictions to halt the degredation of the earth
Sticking it up the Banks
letters from Jason McLeod and Sally O'Wheel to Devonport bank managers: NAB, Commonwealth, ANZ and Westpack
Leaflet handed to customers and passersby. Move Beyond Coal_flyer.pdf
You can print out these stickers on special sticker paper and start to stick it up the banks.
Anglican training manual re climate change:
North West Tasmanian Friends mark Australian Religious Response to Climate Change action on the 11th of March. Read about it in the link below.
NOTES Australian Religious Response to Climate Change : On Line Training 11 and 18May 2021.pdf
TRM News item on demo 11 March.pdf
MINUTES 17May20Earthcare Working Group.pdf
MINUTES TRM ECWG 15 June 2020.pdf
MINUTES 20July 2020 TRM Earth Care Working Group.pdf
MINUTES TRM Earth Care Working Group 17Aug20.pdf
MINUTES TRM Earth Care Working Group 19 Oct 2020.pdf
- Articles to read, videos to watch.
- Email from Jason McLeod Creation, country & climate: Thank you and next steps.pdf
- BIrmingham UK, Quaker Concern Over Population pamphlet. QCOP Pamphlet V4 (1)-1.pdf
Video from David Attenborogh about population., provided by Birmingham Friends :
If you have seen the documentary "2040" you will know about "Project Drawdown" and its creator, Peter Dawkins. This is the project his book launched in USA.
New Zealand Quaker Earth Care Call to Action A call to Action NZ.pdf
- QUNO_A Government Official's Toolkit - 2020 Edition_0-1.pdf
- qew_presents-_workshops_for_your_meeting_1.pdf
- WB20-5 Commission for the Human Future.pdf
- Community gardens.pdf
- WB20-5 Commission for the Human Future.pdf
- Red Cross oration.pdf
- we are already deep into the trajectory towards collapse of civilisation.pdf
- Co-intelligence methodology .pdf
- Sixth Mass Extinction of wildlife accelerating, scientists say.pdf
- BeFriending Creation USA May Jun 2020.pdf
- friendswitnesspopulation-2019-final_0 (2020_01_18 04_41_50 UTC).pdf
- SPA_Population_Policy highlights.pdf
- Tragedy of the Commons.pdf
- Farming the land as it was - video
- National Bushfire and Climate summit 2020 launch - video
- Experts call for review of regenerative farming 'mythology' | Otago Daily Times Online News.pdf
- indigenous land management. .pdf
- RfPAustAnnualReport2020docx.pdf- Religions for Peace Annual Report.
- Evans book review.pdf Review of Matthew Evans book about eating meat.
- Summary of Active Hope principles. Vows..pdf