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Resources and Links

As we discover Resources we will add them to this page. Please contact us if you would like to receive updates to these pages and also be connected to other Friends across Australia engaged in this vital work.
Travel guidelines for Australia Yearly Meeting
Friends can access a copy of the Travel Guidelines developed for Yearly Meeting at this link.
A PDF copy is also available here Quakers Australia - Travel Guidelines.pdf
Information on the Environmental Impact of Air Travel
As we consider the need for travel in this time of Climate Emergency, the attached list of resources may be helpful to those who are still unclear on the impacts of Air Travel: Environmental impacts of travel info sources.pdf
There is also a very useful table of the Carbon footprint of travel per km for all travel modes at Our World in Data.
Quaker Organisations and Links
The Salter Lecture 2023: “The horrible, wonderful truth on climate: how telling it changes everything” by Rupert Read, the lecture and transcript is available here.
Quaker Earthcare Witness pamphlet - 'Peace on Earth, Peace with Earth' speaks to our Quaker Peace Testimony and how Peace and Earthcare are entwined. The pamphlet is available at the Quaker Earthcare Witness website.
Quakers and Climate Change Worldwide - A portal for Quaker climate action across the globe -
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) - including the Journal "Befriending Creation" -
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) - especially their work on their work on the Human impact of Climate Change -
Australian Quaker Earthcare Concerns - while the AYM Earthcare Committee has been laid down for now, the webpage has a range of good resources -
Questionnaire report
The report from the 2021 Climate Emergency and Species Extinction Working Group questionnaire is available at this link:
Formal report to AYM on climate questionnaire.pdf
Other Organisations and Links
ARRCC - Australian Religious Response to Climate Change -
FEN - Faith Ecology Network -
CANA - Climate Action Network Australia -
Courses and study resources
Responding to Ecological Crisis: Quaker Spiritual Insights
Woodbrooke has produced a set of study materials using Quaker spiritual insights to help Friends reflect on, and discern their responses to the developing ecological crisis. The online course ran from October to November 2021. The materials do not propose specific solutions or actions. Instead, they aim to help you to reflect on this issue, and discern what spirit-led responses are required at this time.The course materials are available and Meetings can contact the CESEWG to access them.