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Brisbane Quaker Arboretum

Brisbane Quaker Arboretum

LEFT: The Arboretum showing a felled area representing the original use of the site as a place to grow timber suitable for joinery. Hoop Pines stand out as the most prominent species visible with other native species including representations of Quandong, Lomandra, Wattle, Dianella and native tree orchids visible in the mid and foregrounds. Butcher birds and a scrub turkey chick can be seen. 

CENTRE: a pathway leads the eye through the Arboretum, with the children Maeve and Tara Coughlan in the foreground, the former Caretaker’s (1996-2010) children. Friends remember the joy and vibrancy these children brought to the Meeting. The children are holding a watering can and potted seedling for planting. Representations of Pines and native plants are visible in the mid and foregrounds. 

RIGHT: The Meeting House looks out across the property, surrounded by the canopy of trees, a most peaceful and spiritual place to rest as a mature Bush turkey can be seen wandering the property (in the foreground). 

Designed by designed by ellan and completed by members of Brisbane Friends in Stitches in 2023.