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Meetings for Worship
Image: Hartz Mountains, Tasmania, Emily Chapman-Searle
Meetings for Worship
If one or more Quakers meet with a few others for Worship on a regular basis, this would normally be called a Worshipping Group. If the group is larger and meets for Worship more regularly they may decide to take on some administrative obligations and become a Local Meeting which would have a Clerk, Treasurer and some other positions, depending on their needs, and would meet for business occasionally. The Local Meeting is guided by our Handbook of Practice and Procedure, which sets out more detail of our administrative structure and how we normally operate.
We have a mixture of online and face-to-face Meetings for Worship under our care. There is a list of face-to-face Meetings below.
NOTE: During Covid
- During COVID-19, most Friends around Australia met online. As restrictions have eased, some Friends are now meeting in person and in combination with others online. This sometimes changes from week to week. You can find more information about how Friends are currently meeting (for worship, for singing, for poetry, for walking, etc.) by visiting the relevant Regional Meeting page and contacting the Clerk to find out what's happening in your region.
Online Meetings for Worship
There are several online Meetings for Worship connected with Australian Quakers:
Weekday Online Meeting for Worship, organised by Tasmanian Friends, is held every weekday from 7.00am-7.30am AEST and is open to all. To join: Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 761 293 8035, passcode 137918.
- Friends Online Recognised Meeting (FORM) online Meeting for Worship is held every Sunday at 5:00pm Australian Eastern Daylight time and lasts for about 30 minutes, with the opportunity to talk with others afterwards.
- Rainbow Friends and Allies have an online 30-minute Meeting for Worship on the 4th Sunday of every month, at 7pm Australian Eastern Time. Worship is followed by socialising and discussion.
- A Meeting under the care of the Asia/West Pacific Section of FWCC is held every Thursday at 6:00pm Australian Eastern DaylightTime and lasts for about 30 minutes with the opportunity to talk with others afterwards.
- Mt Lawley Recognised Meeting in WARM (West Australia Regional Meeting) holds a one hour hybrid Meeting for Worship every Sunday, starting at 10am AWST (GMT+8). Friends are welcome to stay online after to chat. Contact for Zoom link details.
There are also multiple online Meetings for Worship connected with Friends worldwide:
- Quaker Groups Online lists Meetings around the world. Check the bottom right hand of the calendar to make sure it's logged into your local time. This way you will not have to calculate when the Meeting starts, the calendar will inform you in your local time.
- Woodbrooke Study Centre (UK Friends) offers a 30-minute online worship each day.
- Pendle Hill Quaker Study and Retreat Center (USA) has a Meeting for worship 'in the Barn' from 8:30-9:10 am each morning. (which would be 7.30pm Sydney time, the following day).