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About Us

Basics of Quakerism Information about Quakers for enquirers.

History Australian Quaker history, including external resources.

Beliefs Our beliefs, including an interview with Jo Jordan.

Testimonies SPICEE

Meetings For Worship, including online Meetings

Administrative structure Regional and Local Meetings and Worshipping Groups, Membership, policies,

Legal Website terms and conditions

Accommodation in Australia

Donations and bequests

News & Events, News items, Calendar of events

Yearly Meeting information for 2017 to date, including epistles.

Public Statements and letters

AYM Secretary's Newsletter information, and Secretary's Newsletters


Meetings For Worship Find a Meeting, including online Meetings.

Regional Meetings:  Canberra, NSW, Qld, SA & NT, Tas, Vic, WA.

National Committees Information about our 31 National Committees - North Korea Peace, Australian Friend, Backhouse Lecture , Child Protection and Other Safety, Child Protection, Children & Junior Young Friends, Climate Emergency and Species Extinction, Earthcare, Finance, First Nations Peoples Concerns, Friends in Stitches, Handbook Revision, Information Technology, Meeting for LearningNominations, Peace & Social Justice Fund, Peace and Legislation, Presiding Clerk’s Support, Publications, QWCC (Quaker World Connections), Review of Standing, Right Holding of Yearly Meeting, Safe Quaker Community, Sanctuary Management, Secretary’s Advisory, Standing, Thanksgiving Fund, Relationship between QSA and AYM, Yearly Meeting Organising, Yearly Meeting Planning, Yearly Meeting Planning Support, Friends' School Quaker Values, QSA Linkages.

Related Organisations Quaker Service Australia, the Quaker Shop, the Friends Fellowship of Healing, the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre, The Friend's School, Werona at Kangaroo Valley.

International Organisations The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) and Asia West Pacific Section (AWPS), Quaker United Nations Offices and Friends Peace Teams.

Find a Friend Search for other Australian Quakers.


Peace and social justice Our history of involvement and public statements and letters. Includes our WWI exhibition, The Paxton Farm during WWII, and a Calendar of Active Nonviolence. Our Committees working for peace and justice and other related organisations such as Friends Peace Teams (FPT), Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), Quaker United Nations offices (QUNO), the National Council of Churches (NCCA), the INternational Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), The Independent and Peaceful Network Australia (IPAN) and Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN).

First Nations Our history helping First Nations Peoples in Australia, including public statements and letters. Includes other resources about First Nations Peoples.

Refugees Public statements about refugees and asylum seekers and information about Quaker organisations involved.

Earthcare Public statements and letters about the environment, Climate Emergency and species extinction and our discussion paper. Includes information about the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC)

Arts Quaker involvement in the Arts in all its forms, including our Friends in Stitches (Australian Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project) and the equivalent Kendal Tapestries in the UK. Links to the Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (USA), Quaker Arts Network (UK) and Loving Earth Project (UK and worldwide)

Quakers taking action, including our Disrupt Land Forces campaign and Palm Sunday Rallies. Also our Peace in Action Resources and The Australian Religious Response to Climate Changethe GreenFaith International Network and their Sacred People Sacred Earth campaign.

Publications including link to buying publications

Backhouse Lectures Summaries and pdf versions since 1964

Handbook of Quaker Practice and Procedure

Australian Publications Information about Advices & Queries (A&Q), this we can say (twcs), a Quaker Prayer Life by David Johnson and Quakerism - a Mature Religion for Today by David Hodgkin.

Pamphlets about Quakers, Quaker Meetings, relationships, funerals, etc.

International Publications about Quakers and Quakerism.

Online Videos made in Australia and overseas.


Basics of Quakerism Information about Quakers for enquirers.

Quaker Learning Australia (disabled)

Quaker Biographies about over 1,350 people associated with Quakers in Australia

Policies about the National Redress Scheme (NRS), Child Protection Policy, Safe Quaker Community Policy, Privacy Policy and Facebook Policy.

Administration Resources including the Rules of the Society, the list of Quaker email addresses and website abbreviations, the Terms and Conditions of this website, the 2014 Quaker Survey and the attitudes of Australian Quakers about applying for membership.

Electronic Communication Guidelines, comprising Managing the Quaker websites, GSuite-and-email-guidelines, membership-and-meeting-database-guidelines, Social Media Guidelines and Using Zoom

Yearly Meeting Resources, including the list of National appointments, Yearly Meeting , Standing Committee and AGM minutes since 2004, Documents in Advance and Retrospect, the Yearly Meeting Planning Manual, The Australia Yearly Meeting Secretary's Duties, and the Child Protection/Safety Working Group-Review Information page

Regional Meeting Resources, including the list of Office Bearers, Safe Quaker Community Regional Meeting Contact Friend List, assistance for Regional Meeting Treasurers, transferring membership, preparing for a Testimony and for a Marriage or Commitment celebration, and Assistance for Regional Meeting Archivists.

Additional Resources, including Recommended Quaker Children and JYF Resources and Quaker Quest information

Study Centres in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand , the UK and USA

Exhibitions about World War 1 (WWI) and theAustralian Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project (Friends in Stitches).

Sources of Funding from Quakers in Australia

Young People

Children Resources for children,including some videos.

Online Children's Meeting

Resources for children's meetings up to age 11

Junior Young Friends ages 12 to 17

Junior Young Friends Statement 2018

Young Friends ages 18 to 30-ish

Child Protection policy
