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The Australian Friends Fellowship of Healing


The Friends’ fellowship of Healing is concerned with the Ministry of Healing, believing that God’s purpose for humankind is wholeness of body, mind and spirit.  We uphold in prayer those known to us to be in need of Healing and Wholeness.  To achieve this Ministry of Healing we meet regularly as a group, realising the value of corporate prayer: the power of a group far exceeds the sum of its individual members.  We continue the upholding of those in need of healing through our own individual daily devotions.  Quiet days or retreats, suitable books and tapes, can all be used to help the Fellowship to achieve its aims.

The Australian Friends’ Fellowship of Healing Charitable Trust, was set up in 1986 to provide for the acquisition, furnishing and operation of Home(s) of Healing to be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Religious Society of Friends, as stated in the Deed of Trust.  The objects of Home(s) of Healing are also clearly set out in the Deed of Trust, vis ‘to provide for persons who are in need of a period of rest and creative renewal away from the busyness and stress of life and who would thereby be helped to attain renewed health and wholeness’. 

For more information about the Fellowship, please contact Elspeth Hull via the email link below
Email her