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Daily Notices for Thursday 9 July

A very beautiful bird, but looking aa bit scruffy round the edges. Counld it just be Zoomed-out?


Daily News for Thursday 9 July

(Day 6)


Thursday's Timetable

Maintaining accuracy in multiple places is a challenge. It seems that most of you have caught on to how to get the infortmation you need from the timetable. So, today, we simply refer you to the timetable for all session information.


Draft Epistle is on the website

Please read and consider this

Friends, each Yearly Meeting we write an epistle from our Yearly Meeting to other Quaker gatherings round the world.

A small group is tasked with drafting it. Their first draft in on the website. Please read it. If you have comments or suggestions, you should contact Ann Britton ( or on 0428 858 790. The draft and final versions will be read to Business Session(s). Suggested changes at late stage cause difficulties, so please contact Ann Britton directly. to discuss your contribution

Friends are reminded that it will be very difficult to deal with suggested adjustments in Business Sessions. Therefore your suggestions should be made directly to the drafting group.


Vote early, vote often

As good Quakers we want to listen to your opinions. Please give them to us!

Please remember to visit our Feedback Survey. We want to hear your opinions on this YM, especially as it is ground-breaking. It will only take you a short time. comment on a particular moment, or your overall impressions.

This notice is not brought to you via David Tehr!


What's happening in Business sessions

Preview of the topics coming up in the next few days

Friends, the agendas for the forthcoming afternoon Business Session are determined. they can be found, linked from the website page YM2020--Formal Session--Agendas. You can reach them via this link.