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DIA2020--Regional Meeting responses to DiA

Regional Meetings have considered Documents in Advance.

The Clerking team for YM 2020 (Ann Zubrick, AYM Presiding Clerk, David Purnell YM20 Assistant Clerk, and Jacque Schultze, AYM Secretary) considered the responses to the DIA reports and offered a Round 1 Summary of Items to indicate which items can proceed directly to the YM 2020 business agenda, and which would benefit from further RM discernment. 

1) Here is the Round 1 Summary of Items at 11 June. Here is the full report of the Round 1 Responses at 11 June. 

  • Regional Meetings were to send their Round 2 Responses to the remaining items by 22 June to the AYM Secretary.

2) Here are the Round 2 Responses on the remaining items.