Canberra & Region Quakers

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YES23 Campaign to Use Turner Meeting House for Activities!

At the last Meeting for Worship for Business, Friends agreed to make the Meeting House in Turner available for YES23 activities at no charge.  The organizers expressed their appreciation for this support, and will use the Woolman Room for phone banking sessions on eight evenings for two hours, beginning on 20 September and ending on 12 October just before the referendum day.

Friends are encouraged, if so led, to make a donation to offset revenue forgone by this arrangement.  Donations may be made on Sundays in cash, or by direct transfer: BSB 313140 A/c No. 1206 5999 in the name of The Religious Society of Friends (Canberra) Inc.
Reference:  Donation – use of Meeting House

The organizers have expressed their appreciation for the generosity and commitment of the Quakers in allowing this use of the Woolman Room.

Regardless of the outcome of the Voice Referendum on 14 October, there is a movement for people to write Letters of Gratitude for the generosity of Aboriginal people over millennia and for their care of country and creating the Statement from the Heart. These are personal letters, acknowledging the work done by the elders from the past and present. We can include what is not happening and pray for an Australia that is free of racism – or whatever we want to say. These will then be compiled into books and gifted to Aboriginal elders.

Send to Letters of Gratitude, PO Box 224 Inala, Qld 4077.

Last modified: 
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 - 6:39pm