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News & Help Desk
News & Help Desk
As information becomes available, you will be able to find answers here to some frequently asked questions.
How can I register for Yearly Meeting in July?
Complete the online registration form now by going: here.
Where is the July 2024 timetable?
You can view the draft timetable here. Check the timetable frequently as it is evolving.
(The timetable will open in Australian Eastern Standard Time. Just under the date at the top, you can alter the time zone to match the way you will attend Yearly Meeting. Select "Adelaide" or if planning to join online only, select your local time zone).
How can I contact the organisers of Yearly Meeting in July 2024?
Scroll down for the contact details of the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee, the local SANTRM organisers, and others organising particular aspects of YM24.
Who is giving the Backhouse Lecture this year and what is it about?
Jackie Leach Scully will talk about disability, and what disability, difference and normality mean for Friends in the 21st century.
Who is giving the State of the Society address this year?
Bev Polzin (VRM) will give the address this year.
What are the Friendly School topics this year?
For a list of the workshops being offered go to the side bar on the left, select "YM24 Program" then select "Friendly School".
What are the Share & Tell topics this year?
When available, you will be able to see the list on the website by going to the link here.
Is there a program for the children and JYFs?
Yes! Find out more by clicking on "YM24 Programs" then "Children & JYFs". Information will be added when available.
I'm new to Quakers, how can I find out more about Yearly Meeting?
We encourage you to talk with Friends in your local meeting or worshipping group. This is the best way to hear stories and learn how to get involved. If you already know enough to be interested in attending Yearly Meeting then, when the registration form is available, you will be able to register for YM24 by going to the link here.
Who is on the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee?
Clint de Young (co-convenor, WARM), David Tehr (WARM), Drew Thomas (TRM), Harald Ehmann (SANTRM), Jo Jordan (SANTRM), Topsy Evans (SANTRM) and Vidya (co-convenor, CRQ).
How can I contact the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee?
Contact the co-convenors, Vidya and Clint de Young at
Contact the SANTRM local organisers: Jo Jordan, Harald Ehmann and Topsy Evans via Jo Jordan at
For particular issues:
Accommodation in Adelaide: Jo Jordan at
Children's program: Jo Jordan at
Friendly School: David Evans at
Home Groups: Kerstin Reimers at
JYFs program: Jo Jordan at
Meals in Adelaide: Jo Jordan at
Online attendance and technology:
Prep & Info Sessions:
Share & Tells:
Travel to Adelaide: Jo Jordan at
Travel within Adelaide: Jo Jordan at
Zoom-Tech host coordination:
YM24 Elders:
YM24 Pastoral Carers:
YM25 planning:
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Help Desk during Yearly Meeting in July 2024
Once Yearly Meeting starts, you will be able to get help by:
- visiting, texting or phoning the Help Desk
- joining your Home Group
- texting for Zoom Help