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Transition Implementation Working Group (TIWG)

Please welcome our staff:


To continue to support the new QA Office configuration until YM25, having developed role descriptions for the new positions.

Please welcome our staff:

  • David Tehr (WARM) was the successful candidate for the position of Coordinator. David started work in this role on 1 July 2023
  • Holly Dhynes (Portland, USA) was the successful candidate for the position of Communications & Publicity Manager. Holly started work in this role on 1 August 2023.

Find out more about them here 

TIWG are very happy to answer questions or run a Q-&-A session on request. (Please check the More Information page for the Q&A developed from sessions so far.)

Members of TIWG are: Jonathan Benyei (CRQ), Jennifer Burrell (NSWRM) and Kerstin Reimers (TRM). Email: