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Tasmania Regional Meeting

About Us

6 Meetings for Worship
138 Members
22 Children of the Meeting
102 Attenders

Welcome to Tasmania Regional Meeting



THE POSTAL ADDRESS IS PO Box 388,  North Hobart, 7002

Note the change of day and time of the NorthWest Recognised Meeting. 


Here are this week's notices

Meetings for Worship are held: daily, (early morning on Zoom), weekly on Sundays (Hobart, Launceston and Zoom) and on Wednesdays in Deloraine..

  • Hobart Meeting for Worship in the Meeting House at 10.00am 

  Meeting will be for one hour followed by a 10-minute sharing session. Children welcome. 

  •  Launceston Meeting for Worship at The Red Dove (34 Paterson St) at 10.00am. 

  • Deloraine, Sundays, 2pm. Deloraine House, Emu Bay Road, Contact  Tara 0476 049 169. 

  • Zoom Meeting for Worship starts at 10.30 - 11.15 am,  followed by small group sharing.    Here

  • Start the day with a Zoom Meeting for Worship - all welcome, to join click this link: here. (You will need the password)

   Meeting ID: 761 293 8035    Passcode: 137918    Contact maggi storr 0415 355 336

Covid restrictions for meetings.


If you're looking for information about The Friends' School, visit their website.



Meetings for Worship

Friends Meeting house 5 Boa Vista Rd,
North Hobart Tas
Worship Times:
Meeting for Worship, and Children's Meeting, every Sunday 10am, Hobart Meeting House, 5 Boa Vista Road, North Hobart ; no Junior Young Friends (high school age) Meeting at present. Enquiries 0459725748
Kingborough Tas
Worship Times:
Not meeting at present. Contact 03 6267 2571 for enquiries.
The Red Dove 34 Paterson St
Launceston Tasmania
Worship Times:
Meets every Sunday, 10am at The Red Dove, 34 Paterson Street, Launceston 7250, contact 0402048147
Deloraine House, 110-112 Emu Bay Rd, Deloraine
Deloraine Tas
Worship Times:
North West Coast Recognised Meeting - face-to-face Meeting for Worship every Sunday at 2pm Silent Worship for an hour with fellowship afterwards, at Deloraine House, 110 - 112 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine Contact Tara 0476 049 169.
Huon Tas
Worship Times:
Not meeting at present contact 03 6266 6439 for enquiries